Full Pipeline Test

This section tests the Full Pipeline - which runs on a single participant's data.

In [ ]:
import cogrecon
from cogrecon.core.full_pipeline import full_pipeline
from cogrecon.core.data_structures import TrialData, ParticipantData, AnalysisConfiguration
from cogrecon.core.tools import generate_random_test_points

In [ ]:
# Test with random first
a, b = generate_random_test_points()
data = ParticipantData([TrialData(a, b)])
config = AnalysisConfiguration(debug_labels=['test', -1])
full_pipeline(data, config, visualize=True, visualization_extent=[[0., 1.], [0., 1.]])

In [ ]:
# Now test with data
actual_coordinates_filepath = r"Z:\Kevin\iPosition\Hillary\MRE\actual_coordinates.txt"
filepath_template = r"Z:\Kevin\iPosition\Hillary\MRE\{0}\{0}position_data_coordinates.txt"
participant_ids = ['101', '104', '105', '112', '104', '101', '114', '118', '119', '120', '101', '104', '113', '120']
labels = ['Cycle Agree - 101', 'Cycle Agree - 104', 'Cycle Agree - 105', 'Cycle Agree - 112',
          'Debatable - 104',
          'New Single Swap - 101', 'New Single Swap - 114',
          'New Single Swap - 118', 'New Single Swap - 119', 'New Single Swap - 120',
          'Old False Positive - 101', 'Old False Positive - 104',
          'Old False Positive - 113', 'Old False Positive - 120']
trial_nums = [10, 12, 2, 6, 2, 0, 12, 10, 10, 14, 11, 10, 2, 12]

for pid, label, trial_n in zip(participant_ids, labels, trial_nums):
    data = ParticipantData.load_from_file(actual_coordinates_filepath, filepath_template.format(pid), (15, 5, 2))
    data.trials = [data.trials[trial_n]]
    config = AnalysisConfiguration(debug_labels=[label, trial_n])
    full_pipeline(data, config, visualize=True, visualization_extent=[[-640., 640.], [-480., 480.]])

In [ ]:
from cogrecon.core.data_flexing.dimension_removal import remove_dimensions

actual_coordinates_filepath = r"C:\Users\admin\Documents\GitHub\msl-iposition-pipeline\saved_data\iPositionConversion\071actual_coordinates.txt"
filepath_template = r"C:\Users\admin\Documents\GitHub\msl-iposition-pipeline\saved_data\iPositionConversion\{0}position_data_coordinates.txt"
participant_ids = ['071']
trial_nums = [3]
labels = ['071 - 4th Trial']

for pid, label, trial_n in zip(participant_ids, labels, trial_nums):
    data = ParticipantData.load_from_file(actual_coordinates_filepath, filepath_template.format(pid), (4, 10, 3))
    data.trials = [data.trials[trial_n]]
    config = AnalysisConfiguration(debug_labels=[label, trial_n])
    time_data = remove_dimensions(data, removal_dim_indices=[0, 1])
    space_data = remove_dimensions(data, removal_dim_indices=[2])
    full_pipeline(time_data, config, visualize=True, visualization_extent=[[0., 60.], [-4., 4.]], fig_size=(10, 2))
    full_pipeline(space_data, config, visualize=True, visualization_extent=[[-20., 20.], [-20., 20.]], fig_size=(10, 10))

Batch Pipeline Test

This section tests the Batch Pipeline, which runs on a folder full of data files, automatically finding the appropriate files.

In [1]:
import cogrecon
from cogrecon.core.batch_pipeline import batch_pipeline
from cogrecon.core.data_structures import TrialData, ParticipantData, AnalysisConfiguration
import os, datetime
import easygui

In [2]:
selected_directory = easygui.diropenbox()

if selected_directory is not None:
    if os.path.exists(selected_directory):
        batch_pipeline(str(selected_directory), datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S.csv"), actual_coordinate_prefixes=False)
    elif selected_directory is not '':
        logging.error('Directory not found.')

INFO:root:Finding files in folder C:\Users\Kevin\Documents\GitHub\msl-iposition-pipeline\tests\saved_data\4-room-iposition.
INFO:root:Found 47 data files in 0.0140001773834 seconds.
INFO:root:Parsing files with expected shape None.
INFO:root:The following ids were found and are being processed: ['001', '003', '004', '005', '006', '008', '009', '010', '011', '012', '013', '014', '016', '017', '018', '020', '021', '022', '025', '101', '102', '103', '104', '105', '106', '108', '109', '110', '112', '113', '114', '115', '116', '123', '124', '125', '127', '128', '129', '131', '134', '135', '145', '146', '147', '148', '149']
<type 'unicode'>
INFO:root:['001'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=116.577730726, new_error=130.179458954).
WARNING:root:['001'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=116.577730726, new_error=126.521395303).
INFO:root:['001'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=99.9597965218, new_error=115.187533311).
WARNING:root:['001'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=99.9597965218, new_error=100.833229213).
INFO:root:['001'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=80.4215905037, new_error=86.9995647442).
WARNING:root:['001'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=80.4215905037, new_error=81.6396265831).
C:\Program Files\Anaconda3\envs\iposition\lib\site-packages\cogrecon\core\batch_pipeline.py:412: RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice
  result.append(agg_functions[iidx]([row[iidx] for row in results]))
INFO:root:['003'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=198.894664647, new_error=335.266800882).
WARNING:root:['003'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=198.894664647, new_error=249.416158759).
INFO:root:['003'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=141.230927409, new_error=226.828671474).
WARNING:root:['003'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=141.230927409, new_error=164.448206235).
INFO:root:['003'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=144.667117486, new_error=175.837708416).
INFO:root:['004'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=170.118856338, new_error=209.782285242).
INFO:root:['004'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=191.200971295, new_error=202.711143227).
INFO:root:['004'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=154.455812337, new_error=178.460085935).
WARNING:root:['004'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=154.455812337, new_error=155.80298783).
INFO:root:['004'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=186.628705088, new_error=207.358102853).
INFO:root:['005'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=184.348897582, new_error=238.317105527).
WARNING:root:['005'] : Not enough points were found to be accurate enough to create a geometric transform. It will be skipped.
INFO:root:['005'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=164.289146134, new_error=194.509117079).
WARNING:root:['005'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=164.289146134, new_error=170.03170091).
WARNING:root:['005'] : Not enough points were found to be accurate enough to create a geometric transform. It will be skipped.
INFO:root:['006'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=150.873567608, new_error=155.935873255).
INFO:root:['008'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=165.230437452, new_error=200.015509725).
WARNING:root:['008'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=165.230437452, new_error=174.305664259).
INFO:root:['008'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=117.622637986, new_error=125.180836145).
INFO:root:['008'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=75.8959955476, new_error=85.2852558911).
WARNING:root:['008'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=75.8959955476, new_error=75.8998010136).
INFO:root:['008'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=65.7117304914, new_error=99.8907371435).
WARNING:root:['008'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=65.7117304914, new_error=71.4952141126).
INFO:root:['009'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=82.5326892745, new_error=90.4454512638).
WARNING:root:['009'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=82.5326892745, new_error=84.6576475177).
INFO:root:['009'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=125.20457533, new_error=192.898673116).
WARNING:root:['009'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=125.20457533, new_error=138.806242523).
INFO:root:['009'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=126.030997656, new_error=181.086181332).
WARNING:root:['009'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=126.030997656, new_error=136.864729455).
INFO:root:['009'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=57.3645076338, new_error=66.6533023325).
INFO:root:['010'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=140.738547401, new_error=194.451911249).
WARNING:root:['010'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=140.738547401, new_error=148.673970511).
INFO:root:['010'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=76.8092144309, new_error=87.6002669649).
INFO:root:['011'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=110.011268277, new_error=154.9601983).
WARNING:root:['011'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=110.011268277, new_error=121.272358192).
INFO:root:['011'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=97.1212065094, new_error=105.855002528).
INFO:root:['011'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=98.410291124, new_error=126.683015996).
WARNING:root:['011'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=98.410291124, new_error=108.036734125).
INFO:root:['011'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=63.9660377205, new_error=67.4448575192).
WARNING:root:['011'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=63.9660377205, new_error=65.2850184124).
INFO:root:['012'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=150.181860679, new_error=239.755475577).
WARNING:root:['012'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=150.181860679, new_error=190.358768269).
INFO:root:['012'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=116.00897283, new_error=140.235256812).
INFO:root:['012'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=123.620787363, new_error=183.519420786).
WARNING:root:['012'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=123.620787363, new_error=130.913013868).
INFO:root:['013'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=68.7660394819, new_error=115.393338132).
WARNING:root:['013'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=68.7660394819, new_error=72.0579530335).
INFO:root:['013'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=59.9014244381, new_error=110.614056759).
WARNING:root:['013'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=59.9014244381, new_error=69.547256631).
INFO:root:['013'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=51.0105568874, new_error=78.1062307109).
WARNING:root:['013'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=51.0105568874, new_error=55.9412660009).
INFO:root:['013'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=50.188576608, new_error=85.0158853325).
WARNING:root:['013'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=50.188576608, new_error=55.3301782433).
INFO:root:['014'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=118.89650437, new_error=154.403700467).
WARNING:root:['014'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=118.89650437, new_error=124.512706591).
INFO:root:['014'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=118.690964896, new_error=239.668009645).
WARNING:root:['014'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=118.690964896, new_error=145.787395104).
INFO:root:['014'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=101.034075257, new_error=179.169341032).
WARNING:root:['014'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=101.034075257, new_error=111.442197355).
INFO:root:['016'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=160.67346296, new_error=247.310733092).
WARNING:root:['016'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=160.67346296, new_error=174.825332032).
INFO:root:['016'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=143.369282032, new_error=174.095713141).
INFO:root:['016'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=178.734611998, new_error=281.944166724).
WARNING:root:['016'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=178.734611998, new_error=193.239506236).
INFO:root:['017'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=134.936289196, new_error=176.985708648).
WARNING:root:['017'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=134.936289196, new_error=142.885008677).
INFO:root:['017'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=60.3560041077, new_error=63.250425709).
INFO:root:['017'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=98.5263519279, new_error=147.908589379).
WARNING:root:['017'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=98.5263519279, new_error=107.862870057).
INFO:root:['018'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=159.076558831, new_error=162.051718099).
WARNING:root:['018'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=159.076558831, new_error=159.470115955).
INFO:root:['018'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=166.035587264, new_error=180.617545204).
WARNING:root:['018'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=166.035587264, new_error=166.621048871).
INFO:root:['018'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=139.246714618, new_error=154.474306218).
WARNING:root:['018'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=139.246714618, new_error=139.591090974).
INFO:root:['018'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=167.943345566, new_error=201.21542138).
WARNING:root:['018'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=167.943345566, new_error=174.200538564).
INFO:root:['020'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=141.76721208, new_error=207.85973441).
WARNING:root:['020'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=141.76721208, new_error=155.013739669).
INFO:root:['020'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=92.508179698, new_error=106.441157347).
INFO:root:['020'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=122.080288794, new_error=133.06535418).
INFO:root:['020'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=89.9426496067, new_error=119.772570909).
WARNING:root:['020'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=89.9426496067, new_error=93.7455742709).
INFO:root:['021'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=204.772207029, new_error=248.049073773).
WARNING:root:['021'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=204.772207029, new_error=205.06198252).
INFO:root:['021'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=127.275923959, new_error=147.592066003).
WARNING:root:['021'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=127.275923959, new_error=129.036029297).
INFO:root:['022'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=199.322209239, new_error=249.288959786).
INFO:root:['022'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=133.756769127, new_error=189.099870333).
WARNING:root:['022'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=133.756769127, new_error=141.940404624).
INFO:root:['022'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=149.590800992, new_error=161.373363661).
INFO:root:['025'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=110.527272036, new_error=144.252304109).
WARNING:root:['025'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=110.527272036, new_error=118.105321208).
INFO:root:['025'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=75.7267080697, new_error=88.3214894776).
INFO:root:['025'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=102.881752178, new_error=150.819278178).
WARNING:root:['025'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=102.881752178, new_error=106.368772962).
INFO:root:['025'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=105.021084333, new_error=175.006712219).
WARNING:root:['025'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=105.021084333, new_error=126.083862184).
INFO:root:['101'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=141.480417872, new_error=168.976909192).
INFO:root:['101'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=96.4806077587, new_error=142.022568218).
WARNING:root:['101'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=96.4806077587, new_error=105.818200754).
INFO:root:['101'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=110.526397199, new_error=241.164339619).
WARNING:root:['101'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=110.526397199, new_error=136.687547919).
INFO:root:['101'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=94.2832501571, new_error=132.594550635).
WARNING:root:['101'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=94.2832501571, new_error=100.111103359).
INFO:root:['102'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=151.807700566, new_error=193.291721798).
INFO:root:['102'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=146.145284355, new_error=192.514770636).
WARNING:root:['102'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=146.145284355, new_error=153.436505107).
INFO:root:['103'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=118.646579165, new_error=161.876985953).
WARNING:root:['103'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=118.646579165, new_error=127.010552688).
INFO:root:['104'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=232.949446785, new_error=322.774649995).
WARNING:root:['104'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=232.949446785, new_error=251.099233374).
INFO:root:['105'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=140.412735452, new_error=209.198408651).
WARNING:root:['105'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=140.412735452, new_error=157.668289903).
INFO:root:['105'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=173.063632534, new_error=187.996055234).
INFO:root:['105'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=131.391742293, new_error=136.758970305).
WARNING:root:['105'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=131.391742293, new_error=133.622249312).
INFO:root:['105'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=107.765432199, new_error=181.197438277).
WARNING:root:['105'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=107.765432199, new_error=120.129527287).
INFO:root:['106'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=109.736575546, new_error=123.455620029).
INFO:root:['106'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=74.9860509357, new_error=108.42676615).
INFO:root:['106'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=94.6769761561, new_error=124.464143008).
INFO:root:['106'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=88.7141341847, new_error=162.202825812).
WARNING:root:['106'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=88.7141341847, new_error=105.634015706).
INFO:root:['108'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=310.445138753, new_error=395.260054861).
WARNING:root:['108'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=310.445138753, new_error=336.410929168).
INFO:root:['108'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=128.36586763, new_error=191.122173624).
WARNING:root:['108'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=128.36586763, new_error=142.136958378).
INFO:root:['108'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=63.6499062195, new_error=69.5022338381).
INFO:root:['109'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=130.037309481, new_error=132.13108402).
INFO:root:['109'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=210.906561668, new_error=296.63166773).
WARNING:root:['109'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=210.906561668, new_error=217.776759827).
INFO:root:['109'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=99.1350394816, new_error=101.634717948).
INFO:root:['109'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=139.34333767, new_error=152.950748713).
INFO:root:['110'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=321.305657174, new_error=963.955957667).
WARNING:root:['110'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=321.305657174, new_error=866.70553104).
INFO:root:['110'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=243.242658432, new_error=395.244558815).
WARNING:root:['110'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=243.242658432, new_error=285.328088321).
INFO:root:['110'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=282.06759476, new_error=290.291758797).
WARNING:root:['110'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=282.06759476, new_error=283.847706138).
INFO:root:['112'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=122.99870701, new_error=124.654102917).
INFO:root:['112'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=246.358790529, new_error=380.045506329).
WARNING:root:['112'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=246.358790529, new_error=278.025475463).
INFO:root:['112'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=105.034425815, new_error=131.251119332).
INFO:root:['113'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=164.509784024, new_error=180.123833849).
WARNING:root:['113'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=164.509784024, new_error=171.09963857).
INFO:root:['113'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=147.496475163, new_error=164.128287492).
WARNING:root:['113'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=147.496475163, new_error=148.343285181).
INFO:root:['114'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=162.79017008, new_error=191.612845032).
INFO:root:['114'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=172.929303528, new_error=189.234794453).
WARNING:root:['114'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=172.929303528, new_error=173.79927464).
INFO:root:['114'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=137.078744861, new_error=139.120774558).
INFO:root:['114'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=154.890437266, new_error=171.023982148).
INFO:root:['115'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=68.9935361488, new_error=73.2793057019).
INFO:root:['115'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=128.946527598, new_error=201.141031084).
WARNING:root:['115'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=128.946527598, new_error=143.731899042).
INFO:root:['115'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=73.4040317974, new_error=122.555944556).
WARNING:root:['115'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=73.4040317974, new_error=79.9881649767).
INFO:root:['116'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=96.0347355361, new_error=117.875439836).
WARNING:root:['116'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=96.0347355361, new_error=97.5698364505).
INFO:root:['116'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=105.028227623, new_error=135.900743437).
WARNING:root:['116'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=105.028227623, new_error=113.135708048).
INFO:root:['116'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=51.5859599803, new_error=68.5968622741).
WARNING:root:['116'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=51.5859599803, new_error=53.4753951445).
INFO:root:['116'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=59.8471804056, new_error=133.026463335).
WARNING:root:['116'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=59.8471804056, new_error=77.4851997099).
INFO:root:['123'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=116.199653518, new_error=119.260113776).
INFO:root:['124'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=183.650839739, new_error=348.934307153).
WARNING:root:['124'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=183.650839739, new_error=237.50812293).
INFO:root:['124'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=154.227900894, new_error=160.85707982).
INFO:root:['124'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=136.523630545, new_error=142.636183752).
INFO:root:['125'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=110.83095415, new_error=134.452354467).
INFO:root:['125'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=144.57356278, new_error=209.995527051).
WARNING:root:['125'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=144.57356278, new_error=157.764645838).
INFO:root:['125'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=69.1791949631, new_error=99.4875203453).
WARNING:root:['125'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=69.1791949631, new_error=76.3319273093).
INFO:root:['125'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=45.2241468833, new_error=61.207986704).
WARNING:root:['125'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=45.2241468833, new_error=49.5099653626).
INFO:root:['127'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=331.107859606, new_error=588.253909944).
WARNING:root:['127'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=331.107859606, new_error=588.083273184).
INFO:root:['127'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=318.626172582, new_error=492.162707367).
WARNING:root:['127'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=318.626172582, new_error=469.72735678).
INFO:root:['127'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=383.038243959, new_error=2607.65248801).
WARNING:root:['127'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=383.038243959, new_error=2591.60080273).
INFO:root:['127'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=138.282028617, new_error=146.44327514).
INFO:root:['128'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=106.177066557, new_error=186.903312122).
WARNING:root:['128'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=106.177066557, new_error=132.027780234).
INFO:root:['128'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=182.227823902, new_error=306.01881891).
WARNING:root:['128'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=182.227823902, new_error=223.1569657).
INFO:root:['128'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=54.5457923911, new_error=92.7354567536).
WARNING:root:['128'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=54.5457923911, new_error=62.1992844678).
INFO:root:['128'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=49.2402444853, new_error=61.3050929598).
INFO:root:['129'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=142.176875827, new_error=221.588161056).
WARNING:root:['129'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=142.176875827, new_error=163.520212471).
INFO:root:['129'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=174.241620967, new_error=212.99773489).
INFO:root:['129'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=128.1752076, new_error=226.646020377).
WARNING:root:['129'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=128.1752076, new_error=149.233218137).
INFO:root:['129'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=94.7558404798, new_error=113.461250709).
WARNING:root:['129'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=94.7558404798, new_error=95.3639707034).
INFO:root:['131'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=164.060225589, new_error=200.170578855).
WARNING:root:['131'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=164.060225589, new_error=168.670859229).
INFO:root:['131'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=150.300820493, new_error=270.901671503).
WARNING:root:['131'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=150.300820493, new_error=170.630722062).
INFO:root:['131'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=60.470357891, new_error=87.5107114319).
WARNING:root:['131'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=60.470357891, new_error=65.9384120805).
INFO:root:['131'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=45.228702946, new_error=53.552276833).
WARNING:root:['131'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=45.228702946, new_error=45.3530731294).
INFO:root:['134'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=265.443836538, new_error=394.785465424).
WARNING:root:['134'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=265.443836538, new_error=275.005578117).
INFO:root:['134'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=137.540954836, new_error=160.732810394).
WARNING:root:['134'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=137.540954836, new_error=141.855384896).
INFO:root:['134'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=110.195257756, new_error=139.597645401).
WARNING:root:['134'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=110.195257756, new_error=117.81178372).
INFO:root:['135'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=212.593475584, new_error=224.707083068).
INFO:root:['135'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=76.4756776824, new_error=86.210806517).
INFO:root:['135'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=120.365805373, new_error=177.671697389).
WARNING:root:['135'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=120.365805373, new_error=126.00328633).
INFO:root:['145'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=143.517221468, new_error=197.204899151).
WARNING:root:['145'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=143.517221468, new_error=149.583954019).
INFO:root:['145'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=150.041533084, new_error=162.033322925).
INFO:root:['145'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=167.373889205, new_error=168.684664536).
INFO:root:['146'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=142.985515973, new_error=147.188661699).
WARNING:root:['146'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=142.985515973, new_error=144.245538355).
INFO:root:['146'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=158.713644734, new_error=201.162775695).
WARNING:root:['146'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=158.713644734, new_error=164.670227201).
INFO:root:['146'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=130.520553161, new_error=161.508504044).
WARNING:root:['146'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=130.520553161, new_error=132.989832282).
INFO:root:['146'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=183.171278426, new_error=186.782363038).
INFO:root:['147'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=89.2508899386, new_error=95.5117361884).
INFO:root:['148'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=157.241112638, new_error=165.837826813).
INFO:root:['148'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=361.169521788, new_error=793.773555716).
WARNING:root:['148'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=361.169521788, new_error=794.100914471).
INFO:root:['149'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=159.265059416, new_error=166.785622117).
INFO:root:['149'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing rotation and retying (old_error=128.557121933, new_error=132.179731725).
WARNING:root:['149'] : The transformation function did not reduce the error, removing transform (old_error=128.557121933, new_error=129.06443307).
INFO:root:Done processing all files. Data can be found in 2017-11-09_12-04-56.csv.

In [ ]:
batch_pipeline("Y:\Work\Time Travel Task\Paper Data (iPosition format cleaned)\iPositionConversion",
               datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S.csv"), dimension=3, actual_coordinate_prefixes=True, removal_dim_indicies=[0, 1], collapse_trials=False)

In [ ]:
import cogrecon.core.data_flexing.time_travel_task.time_travel_task_to_iposition as ttt2i

In [ ]:
ttt2i.time_travel_task_to_iposition(r'\\\kevroy314\Work\Time Travel Task\Paper Data (cleaned)', r'\\\kevroy314\Work\Time Travel Task\Paper Data (iPosition format cleaned)')

In [ ]: